Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Yelling Tree (Family)

THE YELLING TREE (FAMILY) - Written by Carroll Bryant
Eyes of a child
An ignorant mind
I should be seen, not heard
Those were your words
Speak only when spoken to
Nobody did
You told me to be quiet
Pay attention
Who would have thought that would become my future?
Vagabonds of the elite
We traveled about like the wind
Like currents in the ocean
Friend today
Gone tomorrow
It doesn’t matter, the chatter
Everyone likes blue eyes and blonde hair
Even Spanish babysitters
My world
Then one Christmas Eve it happened
I was blessed
I was cursed
I was chosen out of all of you
Jealousy is a texture that cuts soft egos
Why me?
Why not me?
Abandonment is not a pretty sight
Were you angry that I chose you not to be my teacher?
I knew you wouldn’t understand
You never do
You never see the truth right before your sights
Only the imagination lost that lives inside your thoughts
Cruelty disguised as tough love
Tough what?
The world is my oyster
The world is my oyster?
Why limit yourself like that?
The universe is my pearl
The universe is my pearl!
You served your purpose
For that I am grateful
Only now can you see what your purpose was
Now you sit on the sidelines and watch me play my game
I am the star
I am the universe
Envy is a food best regurgitated
Choke on it
And love looms on the horizon of our acceptance
The acceptance of the knowledge that every path leads to a home
Or the homeless
My path led me to me
How iconic is that?
You now sit there before the lighted screen
A high definition view for a low definition you
A fan of the dreamer and his dreams you could not be
A fan of reality now
Money is your source of success
You still haven’t learned a damn thing
My success is worth more than your burnable paper
My success is my self acknowledgement
My self to be true
Value is a friend who continually changes its mind
Unless that value is your own self worth
And that self worth is confidence and love
Then value may have a purpose
Watch as everything I warned you about comes full circle
Watch as everything you denied comes to past
Watch as everything you thought I wasn’t proves you wrong
Do you love me now?
Do you love me now!!!

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