Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Fraud

THE FRAUD - Written by Carroll Bryant 

She’s a Mexican girl who plays with guys
She can’t tell the truth so she tells a bunch of lies
She hides behind a fake name because she likes to disguise
Her empty eyes

She wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and smacked her
She’s a cold hearted bitch with an even more cold laughter
When she isn’t cutting, she is on the hunt
For another boy to destroy

The only reason she appears to be happy
Is because she makes other people’s life crappy
Or at least she tries because she doesn’t care
About anybody else but herself

She is the epitome of evil, A two faced whore
Her poetry sucks  and sucks so much more
A make believe personality
Just quite simply put, a make believe girl

She knows what I say is true
I know her more than you do
But as well as one man does
Who tried to be her friend and tried to show her love

But she leads him on and to a big fall
Pretending to be some kind of Barbie doll
I know she has issues but I doubt that she cuts
Because sympathy is something she loves so much

And as I mentioned before about all of her lies
And on the first line that she likes to play with guys
Everything I written and everything I said
Is true just like the fact she likes to mess with people’s head

But one day soon it will all catch up to her
Like she would even care, I’m sure
Because I have seen many just like her
Hungry for daddy’s love in her messed up little world

So she will continue to sleep with a million guys
And she will continue to speak a million lies
Never to care and never to matter
Can’t wait for the day when her whole life shatters

And she’ll fall to her knees with tears
From the insanity of her insane years
I’ll cheer and I’ll cheer and oh, how I will cheer
Because you’re nothing but a fraud little Mexican dear

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